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Holo Seminars

AdS/CFT group @IFLP

2025                    - holo pípol & Lagares fest

  • 03.04 - Iñaki Zalduendo (IFLP)
Teorema de Noether y cargas conservadas en teorías de gauge​
  • 27.03 - Barak Gabai (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Universal Integrated Constraints for Conformal Defects​
  • 18.03 - Andreas Schmitt (Southhampton U)
Dense QCD matter and neutron stars from holography​
  • 13.03 - Edward Mazenc (ETH, Zurich)
Strings from Feynman Diagrams
  •  06.03 - Guille Silva (IFLP)
JC: Real observers solving imaginary problems
JM Maldacena. arXiv: 2412.14014
  • 27.02 - Raúl Arias (IFLP)
JC: Double-scaled SYK and de Sitter Holography​
V. Narovlansky y H. Verlinde. arXiv: 2310.16994
  • 20.02 - Olindo Corradini (UniMoRE)
Worldline formalism and Feynman diagrams. Lecture III
  • 19.02 - Sascha Wald (Coventry University)
Active Quantum Flocks​
  • 18.02 - Olindo Corradini (UniMoRE)
Worldline formalism and Feynman diagrams. Lecture II
  • 13.02 - Olindo Corradini (UniMoRE)
Worldline formalism and Feynman diagrams. Lecture I
  • 11.02 - LXXIX Strings@ar 
. David Blanco (DF, UBA)​
  Entanglement entropy of a chiral scalar on the torus
. Martín Schvellinger (IFLP)
  From the old hadronic string to the present superstring dual description of the proton structure and spin
. Jorge Russo (ICREA)
 A fresh take on self-dual nonlinear electrodynamics
. Olindo Corradini (UniMoRE)
 Unified Worldline treatment of a Dirac particle with (pseudo)scalar and (axial) vector couplings

2024                    - holo pípol

  • 26.11 - Nicolás Abate (Instituto Balseiro)
Información cuántica e irreversibilidad en de Sitter​
  • 12.11 - Albert Law (Stanford U)
De Sitter horizon edge modes​
  • 05.11 - Eduardo García-Valdecasas (SISSA)
Non-BPS branes and continuous symmetries​
  • 29.10 - Diego Correa & Natxo Salazar (IFLP)
JC: Scale and conformal invariance in field theory: a physical counterexample, Riva+Cardy, arXiv: hep-th/0504197​
  • 22.10 - Raulo Arias & Natxo Salazar (IFLP)
JC: Holographic Derivation of Entanglement Entropy from AdS/CFT, Ryu+Takayanagi,  arXiv: hep-th/0603001 
  • 15.10 - Ritam Sinha (King's College London)
On the fusion of conformal defects​
  • 01.10 - Facundo Rost (UvA)
A New Twist on Spinning (A)dS Correlators
  • 24.09 - 5th Young Frontiers Meeting (Day 2)
  • 17.09 - Gabriel Bliard (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)
Multipoint Correlators in Line Defect Superconformal Field Theories (SCFTs)
  • 10.09 - Massimo Taronna (Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Holographic Correlators for all Lambdas
  • 03.09 - Guille Silva (IFLP)
JC: Chiral shift symmetries as an infinite tower of subleading super-shift symmetries, Barnich+Ciambelli+González, arXiv: 2405.17722
  • 27.08 - Joaquín Liniado (IFLP)
Teorías de Chern-Simons e Integrabilidad​​
  • 20.08 - Pedro Martínez (IFLP)
JC: The Gravity Dual of Renyi Entropy, Dong, arXiv: 1601.06788​
  • 13.08 - Raúl Arias (IFLP)
JC: Linear dynamical stability and the laws of thermodynamics,
Goutéraux +Mefford​, arxiV: 2407.07939
  • 06.08 - Diego Correa (IFLP)
JC: Following Black Hole States, Budzik+Murali+Vieira, arXiv: 2306.04693
  • 30.07 - Fabiana De Cesare (SISSA/INFN, Trieste)
​Exploring confinement in Anti-de Sitter space
  • 02.07 - Facundo Cruz (IFLP)
JC: An invitation to the principal series, T. Anous, J. Skulte, arXiv: 2007.04975​
  • 04.06 - Danielle Musso (U Oviedo)
Gapping the dilaton with a chemical potential
  • 28.05 - Raúl Arias (IFLP)
JC: Information in black hole radiation, D. Page, arXiv:9306083​
  • 21.05 - Lorenzo Di Pietro (Università di Trieste)
Cosmological Correlators at Finite Coupling​
  • 14.05 - Maxi Ferro (IFLP)
JC: Deterministic Chaos vs Integrable Models, S. Negro et al, arXiv:2211.14150​
  • 07.05 - Guille Silva (IFLP)
 JC: Electromagnetic Memory, L. Susskind, arXiv:1507.02584 ​​​​
  • 30.04 - Pedro Martínez (IFLP)
Revisitando Correladores Extremales en AdS/CFT​
  • 23.04 - National Universities Strike
  • 16.04 - Daniel Naegels (U Cambridge)
 Possible interplay between Goldstone physics and fractonic physics?​
  • 09.04 - Markus Fröb (Universität Leipzig)
 Anomalía de Weyl: fermiones quirales y teorías no conformes â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹
  • 26.03 - Valentín Benedetti (I Balseiro)​
 Simetrías generalizadas y corrientes de Noether​
  • 19.03 - Leopoldo Pando-Zayas (U Michigan)
 The Giant Graviton Expansion from Bubbling Geometry â€‹â€‹â€‹

2023                    - anay - holo pípol

  • 28.12 - Jeremías Aguilera-Damia (Solvay Institute, Brussels)​
Lectures on Higher form symmetries: III & IV
  • 26.12 - Jeremías Aguilera-Damia (Solvay Institute, Brussels)​
Lectures on Higher form symmetries: I & II
  • 13.12 - IX Lectures on Advanced Topics in High Energy Physics (Day 3)
. Miguel Campiglia ​(UdelaR, Uruguay)
   IR structure of gravity in asymptotically flat spacetimes III
. Mariano Chernicoff (UNAM, México)
  Some holographic lessons from the string worldsheet III​
  • 12.12 - IX Lectures on Advanced Topics in High Energy Physics (Day 2)
. Mariano Chernicoff​ (UNAM, México)
  Some holographic lessons from the string worldsheet I & II
. Miguel Campiglia (UdelaR, Uruguay)
   IR structure of gravity in asymptotically flat spacetimes II
. Francisco Rojas (U Adolfo Ibañez, Chile)
  Celestial Holography III
  • 11.12 - IX Lectures on Advanced Topics in High Energy Physics (Day 1)
. Miguel Campiglia ​(UdelaR, Uruguay)
  IR structure of gravity in asymptotically flat spacetimes I
. Francisco Rojas (U Adolfo Ibañez, Chile)
  Celestial Holography I & II
  • 29.11 - Osvaldo Santillan (UBA)
Variaciones sobre Gao+Wald y aplicaciones a viajes superluminales
  • 22.11 - Beatrix Mühlmann (Mc Gill U)
The Virasoro Minimal String​​
  • 15.11 - Mauricio Leston (UBA)
Cálculo a 3-loops de la función de gravedad en 2+1
  • 08.11 - Gizem Sengör (BoÄŸaziçi University)
Curious features of discrete series representations on de Sitter
  • 01.11 - Pedro Martínez (I Balseiro)
Entanglement Temperatures and Rényi Entropies​
  • 25.10 - Jeremías Aguilera-Damia (Solvay Institute, Brussels)
Non-invertible symmetries along supersymmetric RG flows​
  • 18.10 -  Paolo Benincasa (Max Planck Institute, Munich)
​Infra-red effects in expanding universes
  • 11.10 - Alan Rios-Fukelman (Kings College, London)
Abriendo la caja: una invitación a de Sitter​
  • 04.10 -  Dam Son (U Chicago)
Nonrelativistic conformal field theory and nuclear reactions​​
  • 27.09 - Javier Magan (Instituto Balseiro)
​ABJ anomaly as a U(1) symmetry and Noether's theorem​
  • 20.09 - Eva Silverstein (Stanford U)
The matter with T-Tbar + Lambda_2:  large-radius de Sitter holography in 2+1 dimensions​
  • 19.09 - strings@ar v.77
. Carmen Núñez (IAFE)​
  La simetría beta de supergravedad
Nicolás Grandi (IFLP)
  La bobina de Siegfrid
José Edelstein (U Compostela)
  La lencería del cosmos
. Guille Silva (IFLP)
  Campos de gauge en de Sitter y Teoría de grupos
  • 13.09 -  Raul Arias (IFLP)
 Introduction to JT gravity II
  • 06.09 -  Raul Arias (IFLP)
Introduction to JT gravity I​​
  • 24.08 - strings@ar v.76
. Gaston Giribet​ (NYU)
  3d gravity at 3-loops
. Martín Schvellinger (IFLP)
  Superstrings and hadrons
  • 23.08 - Guille Silva (UNLP/CONICET)
de Sitter Basics II
  • 16.08 - Guille Silva (UNLP/CONICET)
de Sitter Basics I
  • 09.08 - Ignacio Salazar (UNLP/CONICET)
Subite a la Zamolodchikovneta
  • 12.07 - Matías Sempé (UNLP/CONICET)
Euclidean dS, a fancy way to call the sphere?
  • 06.07 - Maxi Ferro (UNLP/CONICET)
Where is the M in ABJ?
  • 12.06 - Julio Oliva (UdeC)
R^2 corrections to the black string instability and the boosted black string
  • 06.06 - Lucas Manzo (UNLP/CONICET)
Worldline approach for spinor fields in manifolds with boundaries
  • 31.05 - Walter Barón (UNLP/CONICET)
The Ss-symmetry of supergravity​
  • 24.05 - Victor Giraldo (UNLP/IFLP)
Computation details of "t´Hooft Loops and Integrability" by Kristjansen+Zarembo​
  • 11.04 - Nicolás Grandi (UNLP/CONICET)
Cubanitos superconductores 
  • 04.04 - Joaquin Liniado (UNLP/CONICET)
4d Chern-Simons and Integrability
  •  29.03 - Martín Lagares (UNLP/CONICET)
Amplitudes de dispersión y la dimensión anómala de cusp en la teoría ABJM:
un enfoque geométrico

2022                    - amigues

  • 22.12 - Cora Dvorkin (Harvard)
           El universo como laboratorio de física fundamental​
        - Juan Martin Maldacena (IAS)
           The entropy of Hawking radiation
  • 30.11 - Elli Pomoni (DESY)
​Spin chains for N=2 SCFTs
  • 23.11 - Martín Kruczenski (Purdue)
​Two applications of positivity to Quantum field theory
  • 16.11 - Roberto Tateo (Università degli Studi di Torino) 
​TTbar-like deformations: from integrable models to nonlinear electrodynamics
  • 09.11 - ​Gonzalo Torroba (Instituto Balseiro)
​Irreversibilidad en Teoría Cuántica de Campos
  • 26.10 - Gabriel Cuomo (Simons Center & Stony Brook U)
Line defects in CFTs: from magnets to Wilson lines​
  • 19.10 - Gianguido Dall'Agata (Università degli Studi di Padova)
​Effectively supergravity!
  • 12.10 - ​Shota Komatsu (CERN)
​Crosscaps in spin chain and field theory
  • 05.10 - Mariano Chernicoff (UNAM)​
​Probing traversable wormholes in Gauss-Bonnet gravity
  • 28.09 - José Figueroa-O'Farrill (University of Edinburgh)
​Duality in non-lorentzian geometry
  • 21.09 - Alessandro Sfondrini (Università degli Studi di Padova)
​The Spectrum of the (Ramond-Ramond) AdS3/CFT2 Correspondence
  • 14.09 - ​Gastón Giribet (NYU)
Timelike Liouville partition function
  • 07.09 - Daniel Grumiller (TU Wien)​
​Gravity and holography in 2d
  • 31.08 - Igor Klebanov (Princeton University)​​
Group Invariant States as Quantum Many-Body Scars​
  • 28.06 - Mark Van Raamsdonk (University of British Columbia)
​Cosmology, wormholes, and negative energy
  • 21.06 - Irene Valenzuela (IFT & CERN)
Swampland Conjectures and Black Holes 
  • 16.06 - ​Mithat Ünsal (North Carolina State University)
​Adiabatic continuity, anomaly preserving compactifications, and calculable confinement
  • 07.06 - Felipe Rosso (University of British Columbia)
A Celestial Matrix Model​
  • 24.05 - Malcolm Perry (DAMTP, U Cambridge)
​No Future in Black Holes
  • 17.05 - Quim Gomis (U Barcelona)
Infinite algebra extensions of kinematical algebras​
  • 10.05 - Valentina Forini (City, U of London and Humboldt U)​
​Conformal correlators and AdS2/CFT1
  • 03.05 - Diego Rodriguez-Gomez (U Oviedo)
​Quivers, lattice gauge theories and fractons
  • 26.04 - Juan Martin Maldacena (IAS) @ 50yrs of Dimensional Regularization 
  • 19.04 - Martin Lagares (UNLP) 
​BPS line operators in AdS3/CFT2: string theory description
  • 12.04 - Teresa Bautista Solans (King's College)​
Timelike Liouville gravity on the sphere and the disk​
  • 05.04 - Pedro Vieira (SAIFR)
Where is String Theory?​
  • 29.03 - Arkady Tseytlin (Imperial College)​
​Wilson loops and RG flow in 1d defect QFT
  • 22.03 - Pedro Martínez (Instituto Balseiro)
Parámetros de orden entrópicos en teorías de gauge débilmente acopladas​

2021                    - wenüiwen

  • 03.12 - Sean Hartnoll (DAMTP)
​Entanglement Entropy in the Quantum Hall Matrix Model
  • 26.11 - Rafael Porto (DESY)
Precision Gravity: From the LHC to LISA and the Einstein Telescope​
  • 19.11 - Luca Iliesiu (Stanford)​
Gravity factorized​
  • 05.11 - Paolo Creminelli (ICTP)
​Inflation: perturbation theory and beyond
  • 29.10 - Daniel Thompson (Swansea U)
      Resurgence and Integrability: a Yang-Baxter Case Study 
  • 15.10 - Sasha Zhiboedov (CERN)
​A conformal collider telling time
  • 01.10 - Silvia Penati (Milano-Bicocca U & INFN)  
Lines & Defects in ABJM theory​
  • 24.09 - Marina Huerta (Instituto Balseiro)
Entrelazamiento y simetrías: contribuciones topológicas​
  • 17.09 - Prem Kumar (Swansea U)
​Ephemeral islands and BCFT channels
  • 10.09 - Olivera Miskovic (PUC, Chile)
BPS black holes in Chern-Simons supergravity​
  • 03.09 - Carlos Argüelles (FCAGLP)
Materia Oscura fermiónica​
  • 14.07 - Davide Cassani (Padova) 
​Effective field theory for the R-charge index and black hole entropy
  • 07.07 - Yolanda Lozano (Oviedo)
​Advances in AdS3/CFT2 and AdS2/CFT1
  • 30.06 - Strings 2021 @SAIFR
  • 23.06 - Strings 2021 @SAIFR 
  • 16.06 - Tarek Anous (UvA)
An invitation to the principal series​
  • 09.06 - Ricardo Troncoso (CECS)
​Mapping relativistic to ultra/non-relativistic conformal symmetries in 2D, and finite T Tbar deformations
  • 02.06 - Marcos Mariño (UniGe)
​Trans-series and renormalons in quantum field theory
  • 26.05 - Kostas Skenderis (Southampton)
Holographic cosmology and the origin of time​
  • 19.05 - Sameer Murthy (King's College, London)
Black hole microstates from matrices and phases of 4d SYM​
  • 12.05 - Azeem Hasan (INFN, Lecce-Salento)
Supersymmetric Localization and Matrix Models : An overview and some recent results​
  • 05.05 - Elena Cáceres (Texas)
Bit threads and Einstein's equations​
  • 24.03 - Alejandra Castro (UvA)
Symmetric Product Orbifolds & Holography​
  • 21.04 - Alba Grassi (UniGe)
Quantum spectral problems and Painlevé equations​
  • 14.04 - Nadav Drukker (King's College, London)
Hyperloops in 3d gauge theories & their moduli spaces
  • 07.04 - Fernando Quevedo (DAMTP)
Vacuum transitions and the string landscape  
  • 31.03 - Prem Kumar (Swansea)
Islands and Hawking radiation correlations of evaporating black hole I
  • 24.03 - David Tong (DAMTP)
How to Give Chiral Fermions a Mass
  • 17.03 - Ioannis Papadimitriou (KIAS)
Supersymmetry, anomalies, and supersymmetric partition functions
  • 10.03 - Markus Fröb (Leipzig)
Recursive construction of the operator product expansion in curved space
  • 03.03 - Leonardo Santilli (Lisboa)
Exploring the phases of unitary matrix models
  • 24.02 - Martín Kruczenski (Purdue)
The S-matrix bootstrap
  • 17.02 - Gastón Giribet (UBA)
String theory on interpolating backgrounds and holography

2020                            - amigüis

  • 23.12 - Juan Martín Maldacena (IAS): El tiempo entre el horizonte y la singularidad a traves de valores de expectacion termicos  
  • 16.12 - Luca Smaldone (Charles Univ, Praha): Bekenstein bound from the Pauli principle
  • 09.12 - Leo Pando-Zayas (Michigan): AdS BH entropy and the Kerr/CFT correspondence
  • 02.12 - Dio Anninos (King's College, London): Degrees of freedom in a de Sitter universe?
  • 18.11 - Beatrix Mühlmann (UvA): A multicritical landscape
  • 11.11 - Majo Rodriguez (Utah): Central Charges for AdS Black Holes
  • 04.11 - Claudia Sccocola (FCAGLP): Estado actual del experimento QUBIC
  • 28.10 - Nicolás Grandi (IFLP): Galileo y las hélices ferromagnéticas  
  • 21.10 - Laura Donnay (TU Wien): Asymptotic symmetries and celestial CFT
  • 14.10 - Miguel Campiglia (U Republica, Uruguay): Simetrías y cargas en el infinito nulo de Minkowski
  • 07.10 - Javier Magán (Instituto Balseiro): Entropy and symmetry in QFT
  • 30.09 - Gonzalo Torroba (Instituto Balseiro): TTbar, holografía y gravedad en 2d
  • 23.09 - Carlos Cardona (ASU): Virasoro Blocks from quasimodular forms
  • 16.09 - Damián Galante (King's College, London): Reconstructing the bulk geometry in two dimensions
  • 09.09 - Alejandro Cabo-Bizet (King's College, London): 1/16-BPS counting, complex saddles and equivariant integration
  • 19.08 - Carlos Nuñez (Swansea U): Musings on non-Abelian T-duality using CFT
  • 12.08 - Rafael Yunis (U Roma): Self Interactions in WDM: A view from Cosmological Perturbation Theory
  • 05.08 - Joaquín Turiaci (UC, Santa Barbara): Aspectos cuánticos de gravedad en 2D y aplicaciones
  • 29.07 - Diego Hofman (UvA): Superfluids and Symmetries
  • 15.07 - Borut Bajc (Stefan Institute): On dualities in 4d N=1 SQCD with adjoints
  • 08.07 - Alan Rios  (U Barcelona): Solving N=2 SCFT
  • 24.06 - Jorge Russo (U Barcelona): Deformed Cauchy random matrix ensemble and large N phase transitions
  • 17.06 - Martín Schvellinger (IFLP): Procesos de altas energias desde la dualidad gauge/cuerdas
  • 10.06 - Marcelo Botta-Cantcheff (IFLP): Renyi entropies and area operator from gravity with Hayward term
  • 03.06 - Nicolás Grandi  (IFLP): Comunist metallic holography
  • 29.05 - Alan Garbarz (UBA): Cylinder transition amplitudes in pure AdS3 gravity
  • 22.05 - Raúl Arias (SISSA): Modular Hamiltonians in QFT, AQFT and Holography
  • 15.05 - Jeremías Aguilera-Damia  (CAB): How non-fermi liquids cure their IR divergences
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